Surveillance and Security Cameras

Surveillance systems are an integral part of a full home security system. With access to your home cameras from within the home or while you are away, you can be assured you have the best protection possible.

A true surveillance system uses wired cameras connected to a Network Video Recorder or to a POE network switch to provide uninterrupted, quality streaming video to your devices. When coupled with a home automation system, you can have all of your home security needs within one application or right on your TV.

  • Is someone at the door? Have a ring from your standard doorbell bring up the front door camera on your TVs and touchpanels.
  • Are my kids home? Get alerts when someone crosses the threshold of your driveway.
  • Have friends over? Watch the kids in the basement on your TV while also watching your favorite program
  • Is your housekeeper coming today? Provide security access through locks for only a specific time on specific days
  • Are your inlaws early? Let them into your house using your voice to open the garage, unlock the door, and shut off the alarm

The options are truly endless. Contact us today to discuss how we can make your home more secure and convenient.

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